1995: a great vintage year

Vintage year review :

A wonderful surprise! The robe is beautiful, aromas deep in structure. Winter was not too hard, spring sweet and summer hot. However, September was disapointing. There were not a big quantity of wine. This vintage year is fascinating because it clearly helps to understand what Burgundy is about.

Tasting advice:

If you have a cellar, you can still keep the bottles for some years.


The Harvest in 1995.

That year in the vineyard…

Saint Vincent Tournante in Chorey-Les-Beaune.

That year in the world…

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is established, Austria with Finland and Sweden act to join the European Union, Yahoo! and Ebay are founded, Jacques Chirac is elected president of France, O. J. Simpson is found not guilty.

The final original Calvin and Hobbes comic strip is published, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened in Cleveland. In theaters, 8 of the top 10 movies in the USA have all turned out to be classics: Die Hard with a Vengeance, Toy Story (“To Infinity and Beyond!”), Apollo 13 (“Houston, we got a problem”), Goldeneye, Pocahontas, S7venand Jumanji.

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